About Namarina

"Mencintai Seni adalah Mengisi Nurani"

Nanny Lubis - Pendiri Namarina

NAMARINA is the first non formal ballet, jazz dance and fitness institution in Indonesia. Established in 1956 by the late Nanny Lubis in a mission to build a stronger and healthier nation.

Since then, we strive to develop our ballet, jazz dance and fitness activities in Indonesia and have created many well-grounded, dependable and dedicated teachers, dancers and fitness instructors.

In 1970, NAMARINA was affiliated with The Royal Academy of Dance (RAD), a renowned ballet institution in the UK and has been taking part in RAD’s examination annually. We also have our own curriculum for ballet, jazz dance and fitness, designed for our students as well as administering our in-house examination.

In 2006, NAMARINA initiated a semi-professional dance company called Namarina Youth Dance (NYD), as a vessel for young, talented dancers who share the same aspiration that dancers can be seen as an equal to other professions. Together, we want to create a professional dance company that can be the pride of our nation.

With 60 dance and fitness teachers as well as administration and communication staff, NAMARINA is still growing to create and take action for our beloved nation with our vision; “Vigorous Indonesians with empathy, aesthetic awareness and creative human resources”, and our missions:

  • Raising understanding about dance, ballet and jazz dance in particular.
  • Increasing values
  • Creating healthy Indonesians with fitness
  • Strengthen social interaction, heighten aesthetical awareness and stimulate creativity through dance education, specifically in ballet and jazz dance.
Nanny Lubis

Nanny Lubis

Founder (1926-1993)

November 24, 1926 is one of the happiest days for Ir. Abdul Hadi Lubis and Siti Nurida Siregar. That day, their second of four children was born, and she was named Nanny Anistasia Lubis. Little did they know that in the coming years, Nanny would become one of the most prominent figures in Indonesia’s dance and fitness world.

Maya Tamara, LRAD, ARAD

Maya Tamara, LRAD, ARAD

Principal / Artistic Director

In 1975, Maya acquired “Elementary Certificate” from Royal Academy of Dance (RAD), Singapore. A year later, she went to London to further learn classical ballet. For the first two years, she was the student of the late Ruth French – one of the principal dancers of Pavlova Dance Company, and also an examiner of RAD’s Vocational Graded Examinations.

Namarina Studios

Namarina Halimun

Main Studio

Jl. Halimun No. 43, Guntur, Jakarta 12980

(021) 829-4777 / 78

Namarina Kebayoran

Namarina Kebayoran

Jl. Gandaria Tengah III No. 9, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta 12130

(021) 739-8556 / 57

Namarina Tebet

Namarina Tebet

Jl. Tebet Timur Raya No. 14 South Jakarta – 12820

021 829 6377 / 0815 9787 900

Namarina Bintaro

Namarina Bintaro

Jl. Bintaro Selatan Blok N1/3 Bintaro Jaya Sektor 1 South Jakarta – 12330

021 735 4071 / 0817 120 452

Namarina Jakarta Barat 1

Namarina Jakarta Barat 1

Jl. Makaliwe Raya No. 33A West Jakarta – 11450

021 560 0348 / 0816 1839 268 / 082 1234 1234 8 / 082 1234 1234 9

Namarina Jakarta Barat 2

Namarina Jakarta Barat 2

Sixth Avenue J 1 A No.12 West Jakarta – 11830

0816 1839 268 / 082 1234 1234 8 / 082 1234 1234 9

Namarina Pondok Indah

Namarina Pondok Indah

Jl. Gedung Hijau Raya No. 26, Pondok Indah South Jakarta – 12310

021 759 14215

Namarina Pantai Indah Kapuk

Namarina Pantai Indah Kapuk

Octava Music School Rukan Manyar Education Centre, Blok A-25 Bukit Golf Mediterania, North Jakarta 14450

021 5694 7380/81 / 0857 7000 2886

Namarina Partners